Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Common Dental Injuries Requiring An Endodontist’s Care

If your tooth has been chipped, dislodged, or fractured, can it be saved? Even though our teeth are protected by that hard-outer layer of enamel, this doesn’t mean that it can’t be damaged if an accident impacts our teeth. Regardless, of how the damage to the tooth occurred, you should schedule an appointment at the endodontics office in Highland Park of Ayik + Berto Endodontics, formerly known as Highland Park Endodontics.

4 Common Dental Injuries

Whenever a dental injury occurs, the quickest and most effective way to save a tooth or teeth is to visit our endodonticsoffice in Highland Park. The four most common dental injuries that we treat include:

•    Chipped of fractured tooth – when the enamel is struck with enough force, a chipped or fractured tooth can result. Fortunately, these injuries can be repaired.

•    Cracked tooth or fractured cusp – these injuries vary in location and severity.  Pain will come and go when chewing or there is exposure to extreme temperatures.  The treatment will range from having the tooth filled to endodontic surgery.

•    Dislodged tooth – dislodging of a tooth occurs whenever a tooth gets knocked out of or pushed into its socket. You should visit the office of Ayik + Berto Endodontics, formerly known as Highland Park Endodonticsas quickly as possible should you experience this type of dental injury.

•    Root fracture – this occurs when a crack starts in the tooth root and travels upward.  Due to a lack of symptoms initially, this type of injury often goes unnoticed but are usually discovered if the bone and gum surrounding the tooth get infected.

To learn more, contact Ayik + Berto Endodontics, formerly known as Highland Park Endodontics today. To read more Click Here

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Best Endodontists Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439

Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439



Best Endodontist in Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439



Best Root Canal Dentist Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Best Endodontist Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Best Endodontics Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Endodontists Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Endodontist in Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Root Canal Dentist Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Endodontist Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439

Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Endodontics Highland Park - Highland Park Endodontics (214) 441-7439


Highland Park Endodontics
7001 Preston Rd #301-A
Dallas, TX 75205
(214) 441-7439


Common Dental Injuries Requiring An Endodontist’s Care

If your tooth has been chipped, dislodged, or fractured, can it be saved? Even though our teeth are protected by that hard-outer layer of en...